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Conferenza Snow Hydro 2020

Aperto da yakopuz, Lun 28 Ottobre, 2019, 16:33:33

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Ciao a tutti. Volevo annunciarmi che a fine gennaio 2020 organizziamo a Bolzano la conferenza Snow-Hydro.
In quella occasione volevo riproporre il bel lavoro associativo sulla neve fatto per la conferenza ICAM di Riva a Settembre, con alcuni miglioramenti.

Questo l´abstract:

Snow precipitation trends in the Adige valley: a citizen's science dataset

Giacomo Bertoldi1,2, Alessio Bozzo1,3, Yuri Brugnara1,4,5, Matteo Calzá1,6, Giacomo Poletti1, Mattia Callegari7, Alice Crespi7, Oskar Filippini1,8, Luca Fruner1,9, Lorenzo Giovannini1,10, Danilo Mattedi1, Enrico Rizzi1, Paolo Sartori11, Flavio Toni1, Daniele Toniolatti1,12, Filippo Orlando1,13

1Associazione Meteo Trentino Alto Adige, Trento, Italy.; 2Institute for Alpine Environment, Eurac research, Bolzano, Italy.; 3EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany.; 4Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, Bern, CH.; 5Institute of Geography, University of Bern, Bern, CH.; 6Garda-meteo, Riva del Garda, Italy.; 7Institute for Earth Observations, Eurac research, Bolzano, Italy.;;; 10Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento, Italy.; 11Associazione Meteonetwork;; 13Fondazione Museo Civico di Rovereto

Snow is an important resource for the Alpine environment and for the economy of its valleys and it presence has a relevant impact on citizens life. In the southern side of the Alps and at mid and lower levels snow precipitation depends often on a balance between the availability of precipitations and low temperatures. To have a detailed picture of the changes in the winter snow accumulation a capillary network of observations is necessary, with manned stations integrating more sparse automated measurement. While at mid and high elevations are present extensive institutional networks, at the lowest elevation, where reside most of the population, time series are much more fragmentary. However, at the lowest elevations is where the reduction in the chances of colder conditions has most affected snow presence in the recent decades. Therefore, there is the need of an improved ground snow monitoring.
In Trentino-South Tyrol the members of an association of private citizen (Meteotrentinoaltoadige) has maintained a series of snow observations which spans up to 140 years in the case of the city of Rovereto, providing an interesting insight on the distribution and decadal changes in the winter snowfall at mid and low-elevation. In this contribution we analyze a dataset explore its potential for the study of snow cover in complex terrain.
Data show a strong decreasing trend in yearly total snow accumulation for all considered locations the last 40 years, which decreased of about 50%. This corresponds to an increasing trend in temperature, but not in winter total precipitation, which shows no significant trends.
We discuss uncertainties due different approaches in manually measuring snow and, for the last decade, we analyze more in details snowfall patterns comparing ground and remotely sensed observations. Local differences in snow accumulation are related to orographic factors, with a maximum accumulation in the mean part of the valley, near Trento, due to opposite gradients of temperature and precipitation amount along the valley.

In allegato, per chi non lo avesse visto, il poster della conferenza ICAM.
Il futuro e' nel presente ... devi solo sapere dove e'


Ricordo la brochure che hai portato a Riva; potrei farci un pensierino per un giorno a Bolzano a fine gennaio  ;)


Interessante! Nel frattempo sto cercando di ricostruire a ritroso nel tempo le nevicate qui a Trento Sud in maniera un po' più dettagliata, chissà che non possa emergere qualcosa di utile.


Grazie! I tuoi archivi sono sempre preziosi
Il futuro e' nel presente ... devi solo sapere dove e'